Venison Tenderloin

Yields1 Serving
 1 Tenderloin from an adult deer, approaching 2 lb
 Small red potatoes
 Small white onions
 Small carrots
 3 tbsp Soy Sauce
 3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
 2 tbsp Sugar(Dark brown sugar is best. Add a little more for good measure. It is going to thicken during the last hour.)
 2 tbsp liquid smoke
 2 tbsp Cooking Oil
 1/3 to 1/2 olive oil
 Two pieces of bacon cut into 1 inch sectionsSalt & pepper

Mix the following: Soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, Olive oil, Sugar, Liquid smoke, Wine, Salt & pepper. Trim any muscle
lining from the tenderloin. Pierce on alternate sides from one end to the other and insert a small piece of garlic in each
incision. Salt and pepper the meat and place in a Pyrex dish. Crush the remaining garlic and scatter around the dish. Cut
enough potatoes and onions into 1 inch pieces to cover the bottom of the dish. Place the small carrots around in the dish.
Cover the whole with the pieces of bacon and pour the mixture over it all. You need the mixture and bacon because the
venison will have no fat on it. Cover with tin foil and place in a 375° oven for two hours. Check, reduce the oven to 325° and
return for one hour. Remove the foil and return to the oven for a fourth hour. This last uncovered hour will allow the juice to
thicken. When the time is up, you can remove and set aside to "relax".



 1 Tenderloin from an adult deer, approaching 2 lb
 Small red potatoes
 Small white onions
 Small carrots
 3 tbsp Soy Sauce
 3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
 2 tbsp Sugar(Dark brown sugar is best. Add a little more for good measure. It is going to thicken during the last hour.)
 2 tbsp liquid smoke
 2 tbsp Cooking Oil
 1/3 to 1/2 olive oil
 Two pieces of bacon cut into 1 inch sectionsSalt & pepper



Mix the following: Soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, Olive oil, Sugar, Liquid smoke, Wine, Salt & pepper. Trim any muscle
lining from the tenderloin. Pierce on alternate sides from one end to the other and insert a small piece of garlic in each
incision. Salt and pepper the meat and place in a Pyrex dish. Crush the remaining garlic and scatter around the dish. Cut
enough potatoes and onions into 1 inch pieces to cover the bottom of the dish. Place the small carrots around in the dish.
Cover the whole with the pieces of bacon and pour the mixture over it all. You need the mixture and bacon because the
venison will have no fat on it. Cover with tin foil and place in a 375° oven for two hours. Check, reduce the oven to 325° and
return for one hour. Remove the foil and return to the oven for a fourth hour. This last uncovered hour will allow the juice to
thicken. When the time is up, you can remove and set aside to "relax".

Venison Tenderloin